The Neptune Association

New Zealand group photos

New Zealand group photos

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NZ ERA4's Group photo in 1940

Back Row: ERA William Newman,  ERA Snow Wolf

Front Row: ERA D'Arcy Heeney, ERA Noel McGee, ERA Alan McLeod

(Newman and Wolff left Neptune before she sank and survived. Heeney, McGee and McLeod were casualties)




Swimming party at Stanley Bay Alexandria in November 1941

Back Row: Frank Simpson (Army) & Able Seaman Alf Simpson (identical twins), Alexander Barron (?)

Front Row: Two unknown, Able Seaman Robert MacDonald



 Able Seamen Carrigan, Barker, Cook, Calvert and Birss, all of the Royal New Zealand Volunteer Reserve arrive at Chatham Station in April 1941 for their draft to HMS Neptune berthed in Chatham Dockyard for a two month refit


Signalman Alf Jenkins RNZN on the right with another NZ sailor from Auckland on the left


Able Seaman Jack Knewsstubb who was 6 fot 5 inches tall is the centre of the back row. The NZ ratings were under training at St Vincent at Portsmouth in July 1940 when they arrived in England. No doubt some of those in the class would have gone to HMS Neptune.


Front row identified as SA John Barstow, Writer Bill Moore, ?, Writer Frank Leyland, SA Bruce McKinnon, Cook William O'Niel\n\n \n

Three photos of Cook John O'Niel RNZN on his way to England with kangaroos and then with his training class before joining HMS Neptune.

Front row identified as SA John Barstow, Writer Bill Moore, ?, Writer Frank Leyland, SA Bruce McKinnon, Cook William O'Niel



Group of NZ Supply ratings at Sydney with kangaroos waiting for ship to take them to England



Supply Assistant Walpole with three kangaroos and three other unknown NZ sailors\n

Supply Assistant Henry Walpole (centre) with three kangaroos and three other unknown NZ sailors

Note that Henry Walpole, a champion swimmer,  is buried in Tripoli




Able Seaman John Ross on right of photo. Who are the other two New Zealanders?\n

Able Seaman John Ross on right of photo. Who are the other two New Zealanders?


4 Supply Assistants all who died in Neptune with Writer Bill Moore who survived in Alexandria. Photo taken in October 1941. The names were Maurice Friedman, Bruce MacKinnon, Alan Brown, Bill Moore, Henry Walpole\n

4 Supply Assistants all who died in Neptune with Writer Bill Moore who survived in Alexandria. Photo taken in October 1941.

The names were Maurice Friedman, Bruce McKinnon, Alan Brown, Bill Moore, Henry Walpole

names on back of photo supplied by Writer Bill Moore

names on back of photo supplied by Writer Bill Moore


Leading Seaman Revell Brownie standing on the right




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